Reporting & Analysis

Understand your businesses relationship with nature and respond to reporting frameworks including TNFD and CSRD. Meet regulatory requirements and pre-empt market expectations.



- Businesses face ever growing reporting expectations on nature.

- Poor reporting may lead to fines or reputation damage.

- Comprehensively understanding your interface with nature will allow you to mitigate risks, reduce negative impact and unlock value creation opportunities.


The Problem

From TNFD and CSRD to the new Global Biodiversity Framework, there is an increasing onus on businesses to report their nature-related impacts, dependences, risks and opportunities. This is an unmatched step up in the complexity and scale of data and disclosures that will be expected from businesses on nature.


The Implication

A poor understanding of a business's relationship with nature exposes it to physical, transitional and system risks. Meanwhile, a failure to keep pace with voluntary requirements will leave companies behind their peers, whilst poor regulatory reporting can result in fines and compliance action.


The Solution

We provide the support and insight that companies need to navigate this complex reporting landscape. Performing well in this space mitigates major risks and opens opportunities for value creation in areas such as resource efficiency, reputation capital and market access.

How we can help you

We provide a range of services around reporting and analysis. Our core offering is set out below, however we do not believe in a one-size fits all approach and adapt our structure and services depending on client needs.

DIRO and materiality assessment

Building on industry leading methodologies such as TNFD's LEAP process, we use bespoke tools and the latest datasets to analyse dependencies, impacts, risks and opportunities (DIROs).

TNFD reporting

We support the development of robust TNFD reporting using credible and science led analysis which leverages existing business processes and practices.

CSRD reporting

We support you to build on existing progress and integrate CSRD biodiversity & ecosystems requirements and align with the appropriate reporting metrics.

Our approach

We provide the support and insight that companies need to navigate a hugely complex reporting landscape.

We use data providers to demystify the space and take pride in delivering concise, action-oriented messaging. In addition to our core values, our approach to reporting and analysis specifically focuses on three key elements:

Data driven

We utilise a range of cutting-edge data sources and tools to provide precise, relevant nature information that enables effective decision making.

Leveraging existing work

We look to leverage existing progress and understanding from other sustainability frameworks to improve consistency, capture lessons learned and avoid duplication.


We recognise the importance of iteration around nature reporting, this is a fast-moving space and no-one has all the answers – we focus on the art of the possible.

Working with us

We put rigour and science at the heart of our projects.

We are collaborative, and want you to feel like we are part of your team.

We’re always looking at how we can do things differently and create unique results.

We work to demystify complex topics and kindle positive engagement.